
Create a Marriage That Lasts

the Premarital “Discovery” Toolbox

A wedding lasts for a day, at most.  But your marriage? You want it to last your entire life.

Premarital counseling will lay the foundation for a marriage that will weather the inevitable storms of life. One that will remain connected and intimate, vibrant and fun, for decades to come.

Will premarital counseling guarantee that problems will never occur?  That you won’t both mess up…a lot?

Absolutely not.

I’ve developed a fun series of depth conversations and exercises that will allow you and your partner to take a fearless look into this life you’re planning to walk through, together. I call it the Premarital Discovery Toolbox, and we’ll go through it, at your speed, in our sessions.

Here are a few feats that Premarital Discovery Toolbox dives into:

  • You’ll explore The Big Topics. Kids, money, in-laws, sex.  Coke or Pepsi. In-depth. All with a skilled third-party, ready to help you navigate the disagreements, not get off-topic, and still like each other when you’re through.
  • You’ll talk about your values. Believe it or not, value disagreements can lead to huge discord and misery in a marriage.
  • You’ll learn to fight fair, and sit in the fire with each other, because avoiding conflict can be enormously destructive.
  • You’ll greatly improve your understanding of your partner’s “Care and Feeding Manual.”
  • You’ll clear the air about resentments you might have with your partner.  (Did you know that many resentments are often mental re-enactments of old dramas from your family of origin?)
  • You’ll explore the fears and misconceptions you have about marriage. If you come from a divorced family, or one that was plagued with unhealthy conflict, manipulation, violence or infidelity, you’ll learn how to turn away from this vision of relationships and break any unhealthy relational patterns you might have adopted.
  • Who does the laundry? Who mows the lawn? If we are both working, who gets up at night with the baby?
  • And ideally, you’ll get to that place in your relationship where, when problems arise, it will be like being on a bungee cord. You’ll fall down, but you’ll quickly spring back up.

Ready to get started?